Quick and easy tonight. Pre Packaged Portion sized Halibut. Sprinkle with lemon juice & pepper, bake 15 - 20 mins in shallow baking Dish with a lid. Salsa (Totally inspired by my sister) includes Roma Tomato, Lime juice, Balsamic vinegar, Purple Onion, Cilantro, 1 tsp minced canned Chipotle Peppers. Quinoa is an amazing gluten free grain option high in protein and a good source of magnesium, iron, zink, and folate. Cook the same as you would rice. 2:1 Ratio... So 1 Cup water add 1/2 Cup Quinoa bring to a rapid boil then simmer low heat with lid on 10 -15 mins.
I always seem to serve my son his meals in small dishes of many options like Nutts and Fruit Dips...It always reminds me of that movie Mermaids with Cher serving her kids Winona Ryder and Christina Ricci horsd'oeuvre like crazy meals...mine don't usually include marsh mellow cabobs ...but I am sure I can arrange it. Also my son was thrilled with the meal because he loves Halibut and with a big piece of pie that is Ganny dropped off for his desert, he was very happy. This meal is a success AND it wasn't scrambled eggs :)

Asia! I love you, and your blog is awsome!! Just what I need, some inspiration for healthy living. Sounds like Bodie eats like a king.